Author :  

Year-Number: 2015-5
Language : null
Konu : Nutrition education
Number of pages: 449-457
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




Nutrition education plays a vital role in bringing about a greater awareness of the value nutrition has in adopting a healthy lifestyle. Broadly speaking, education is transformative, providing knowledge through instruction that first acts upon the attitudes of a person and then goes on to influence their behavior. The earlier this process begins, the more effective it is. That is why the provision of training as early as the pre-school years can be viewed as a future investment, considering that the healthy eating habits are formed at early ages. The aim of nutrition education, therefore, is to instruct children on how to adopt an adequate and balanced diet, eliminate unhealthy eating habits, use food resources economically by improving nutritional conditions and preserve the well-being of the body. By providing children with nutrition education during the preschool period, their future eating habits can be shaped in a healthy manner.


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