Author : Ramazan ERTÜRK -, Bahri AYDIN
Number of pages : 147-173


This study was carried out in order to determine the relationship between the teachers' work motivation and their organizational commitment. Seven hundred and thirty-five teachers who work at secondary schools in the central district of Bolu during the second semester of 2012-2013 educational year make up this study. The method of the study was scanning model. In the study, Work Motivation Scale and Organizational Commitment Scale were adopted. In the analysis of data, descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney U testi, Kruskal-Wallis H Test, One Way Anova analysis, and Pearson correlation coefficient were used. With respect to study results, it was found out that the teachers' perception of intrinsic motivation is high, their perception of extrinsic motivation and work motivation are moderate, their perceptions towards organizational commitment are moderate, their perception of affective commitment which is a sub dimension of organizational commitment is high and perception of attendance and normative commitment, also sub-dimensions of organizational commitment, are moderate. According to gender, teachers' perceptions of organizational commitment and sub dimension of organizational commitment didn't form a meaningful difference. While teachers' perceptions of work motivation, organizational commitment, affective and normative commitment and their sub dimensions were found to show a significant difference in terms of age varience, no meaningful difference was discovered between attendace commitment, which is a sub dimension of organizational commitment, and gender variance. It was found out that as teachers get older their perceptions of organizational commitment and its dimensions, work motivation and dimensions also rise except for attendance commitment. Lenght of service variance revealed meaningful difference both in work motivation and its sub dimensions and organizational commitment and its sub dimensions except for attendance commitment. As the lenght of service increases so does their work motivation and their organizational commitment. In terms of level of education variance, meaningful difference was not found in any of the perceptions. As a result of the study, while a positive and low level correlation was found between the intrinsic motivation of teachers' work motivation and affective and normative commitment of organizational commitment, no meaningful correlation was found with attendance commitment. While a positive and low level meaningful difference was found out between extrinsic motivation which is a sub dimension of work motivation and attendance commitment, a positive and moderate level meaningful correlation was found between extrinsic motivation of work motivation and organizational commitment and its sub dimensions affective and normative commitment.


Teacher, Work Motivation, Intrinsic-Extrinsic Motivation, Organizational Commitmment

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