Author :  

Year-Number: 2020-22
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2020-03-20 12:38:40.0
Language : İngilizce
Konu : Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Eğitimi
Number of pages: 131-157
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


The purpose of this research is to specify the views of prospective teachers studying at Pedagogical Formation Training Certification Program on applying spelling rules and punctuation Marks. Interview technique was used within the scope of qualitative research method. Research is conducted by 20 students who are training at certification program related to pedagogical formation training at a university in the Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. As data collection tool semi structured interview forms are used in order to get the views of the prospective teachers on the level of applying spelling rules and punctuation Marks in the scope of pedagogical formation training. The data procured by interviews is firstly taped by receiving participants approval, then tape recordings are textualized in the context of content analysis and at last they are destroyed after receiving confirmation of the participant about their whole and complete situation according to the ethical principles. The data obtained by interviews are commented by descriptive analysis method in the scope of scientific research methods by making content analysis. In the end of the research it is determined that the prospective teachers felt incompetent about spelling rules and punctuation Marks as they have deficiencies in this matter. According to them this is stemmed from the deficiencies being in the grammar teaching as well as the lack of strategy, method and technique, deficiencies caused by applications, stereotyped perspectives in the language training and the insensitiveness of the teachers and students in this matter, lack of national awareness, lack of interest in Turkish, Language and Expression, Turkish Language I-II for Universities, and therefore reading-and-writing applications should be practices in due course, different methods and techniques should be used in language training, problems related to teacher trains have to be removed, Turkish teaching in general and spelling rules and punctuation Marks in particular must play a significant role in education. It is also observed that understanding levels and language skills of the students effect their development. In this respect, suggestions related to the problems have been made at the end of the research.



The purpose of this research is to specify the views of prospective teachers studying at Pedagogical Formation Training Certification Program on applying spelling rules and punctuation Marks. Interview technique was used within the scope of qualitative research method. Research is conducted by 20 students who are training at certification program related to pedagogical formation training at a university in the Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey. As data collection tool semi structured interview forms are used in order to get the views of the prospective teachers on the level of applying spelling rules and punctuation Marks in the scope of pedagogical formation training. The data procured by interviews is firstly taped by receiving participants approval, then tape recordings are textualized in the context of content analysis and at last they are destroyed after receiving confirmation of the participant about their whole and complete situation according to the ethical principles. The data obtained by interviews are commented by descriptive analysis method in the scope of scientific research methods by making content analysis. In the end of the research it is determined that the prospective teachers felt incompetent about spelling rules and punctuation Marks as they have deficiencies in this matter. According to them this is stemmed from the deficiencies being in the grammar teaching as well as the lack of strategy, method and technique, deficiencies caused by applications, stereotyped perspectives in the language training and the insensitiveness of the teachers and students in this matter, lack of national awareness, lack of interest in Turkish, Language and Expression, Turkish Language I-II for Universities, and therefore reading-and-writing applications should be practices in due course, different methods and techniques should be used in language training, problems related to teacher trains have to be removed, Turkish teaching in general and spelling rules and punctuation Marks in particular must play a significant role in education. It is also observed that understanding levels and language skills of the students effect their development. In this respect, suggestions related to the problems have been made at the end of the research.


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